Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Divide and Conquer.

Finding deals on coupons can be rough. Sometimes, it's easier to save money by just purchasing the generic brand of whatever item you're buying...but then sometimes (or you're brand loyal), you'll save the maximum amount by purchasing the brand name and using coupons...How? Divide and Conquer.

Every once in a while, the store that you buy your products from will have a sale. Right there on the front page, and you see it and go "Yesssssss!!!" Your favorite shampoo is on sale 2/8$ (for example). It's the awesome Aussie shampoo (I wonder if kangaroos smell like that every time I see the shampoo but then I'm all....nahhh...), AND you have a few coupons. Including one that says save 1.50 when you buy any two.

That sucks...saving 1.50 on two bottles of shampoo? No way. There must be a thriftier way! Divide and Conquer!

A lot of manufacturer's put out these "save when you buy two or more" coupons because they LOOK like high value coupons, you're saving like, 1.50. However, they also put out the save on singles coupons. Usually it's something like "save 50 cents when you buy any one."

Did you know that you can combine them to save at the cash?! Yeah you can!

That 2/8$ Aussie shampoo? You're going to be saving even more when you combine your coupons at the register. Use your "save 50 cents" coupon for one, and then use your "Save 1.50 when you buy two or more" for a total savings of 2$. Bringing your shampoo total to....2/6$. You're still getting them on sale, you're not seperating them, so you're getting the biggest bang for your buck.

This method works great for 2/whatever sales, but you can use it on ANY type of sale (and even some inexpensive things that aren't on sale.). If you're planning on buying more than one of the product, use both coupons! 

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