Friday, July 25, 2014

So you want to start couponing...

I get a lot of questions about how to start couponing. It seems really easy to just turn on your computer than then print out a bunch of coupons and then go shopping. You'll save money right? You'll save millions by couponing right?

Probably not.

Couponing isn't always right for everyone. If you don't have enough time or patience to dedicate and stick to it, you probably won't go very far with's not always easy, and usually it's rediculously frustrating, but if you want to save big with couponing here's what you need to know...

The Basics. 
You've decided that you want to start what? Well, go out to walmart and pick up your supplies! They're different from person to person, and no two couponers are alike, but these are MY couponing supplies.
hole punch
divider tabs
letter sized sheet protectors (for various reasons)
some pens
an accordian file box

For obvious reasons, I mostly print out my if you're going to print out coupons, make sure to get lots of printer paper. It doesn't have to be super expensive stuff, or the best of the best, it just has to hold your papers and coupons. 

I've got all of my what?
You're ready to organize and start couponing. Decide whether or not you want to use your binder specifically for coupons, or for a dual purpose like a budget binder AND coupon binder (it's what I use mine for!). Mine looks something like this: 

I bought tab dividers to keep everything clean and neat, not because I'm an organization freak but I just like the way it looks I suppose. 

If you're using your binder specifically for coupons, you can either do what the extreme couponers do and buy the plastic card protectors (to keep collector's cards clean and organized in books), or you can get plastic sheets of photo holder (they're great because there's enough space that you don't have to fold coupons to fit in them!). I'd still play it safe and get the tab dividers to sort out your coupons though!! If you're using an accordian style organizer for your coupons (it's what I use for my coupons...not a huge one, just a small one that fits nicely into my purse but still has TONS of room for coupons), the little tabs are all provided and all you have to do is organize your coupons accordingly!! Easy peezy lemon squeezy!

If you're seeing the brown folder in the back and wondering what in the world it's's where I keep all of the weekly flyers. We look through all of the flyers, but we only really keep the ones that are for the stores that we shop at. 

OK....Can we get to the fun part yet?!
Now you're almost ready to start printing off your coupons!! Start by making a grocery list (try not to check for coupons before you start making your list, you can always make changes later...). A good clear grocery list is the most important tool to keep you on track, you can print off a grocery list template or you can use a plain old piece of paper, the choice is yours.

After you've written your grocery list, then hit up your couponing websites. Websites are great, but always make sure you read the coupons before you use them (Coupons from the US will not work in Canada for example.). Also, try to find couponing websites that are for your country so there's absolutely no chance of mix ups. I've already written a previous article about the couponing websites I use on a daily basis. 

Always try to match up your existing coupons to the weekly flyers, yes it's a little time consuming, but it's always worth it to get the best possible deal. Remember that MANY places, like walmart, have an ad match guarentee, so if you're planning on going to walmart to get a bunch of  things but your best deal is in a Superstore flyer, just get walmart to match it! No need to waste gas to go somewhere you don't need to go!!

Coupons won't change much every single day, but it's always good to spend 5 minutes out of your day checking for new coupons. Better safe than missing out on an incredible deal!!

Hey, I'm going to the States this weekend...

Great! You can look at American flyers online (print em off if you'd like)! For some reason, America has a lot more coupon choices than Canadians do, so you'll be able to find a lot more in the States than here in Canada! Just remember to keep things clear, organize like crazy, and keep calm. Your shopping trip will go smoothly no matter where you live!

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