Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Coupon Binder Organization! Guest post by Justine Wright!

Coupon Organiztaion Binder Method.

I use to just throw whatever coupons I had in the back zipper pocket of my purse, causing me to dig through all these random coupons trying to find that one I needed, knowing that I had it but I just didnt no where it went, It just got to the point where I needed a new and better system than that, so I sat down and started thinking, and well I had a random binder from the dollar store, and my boyfriend had all these baseball card holders for his hockey cards, so I put 2 and 2 together and thought of a binder for my coupons!!
So now I'm sharing with all of you how I made my binder!
1. BINDER- I have a three ring binder from the dollar store, depending how many coupons you have and how big of a binder you need, going to walmart or staples for one that zippers is also a great idea! I dont no how many times my 1 yr old has tiped mine upside down and droped all of my coupons on the floor!! (my fault for leaving it in her reach!)
2.DIVIDERS, I also found these at the dollar store for a buck!! you will need these so you can divide each section to make things alot easier to find, right now mine are dived as :
Target coupons
Trades (the coupons i wont use and i trade them for ones I will use)
Now when I get more of a coupon collection I will divied them differently, for an example
Baking items
Canned goods
Fozen foods
Shaving needs
But you can organize them however you feel is best for you.

3. PENICAL CASE- A 3 holed penical case! Now I dont have this in my binder yet but I am going to get one!! I am always looking for scissors, penicals/pens, calculator! having a penical case snaped into your binder with all the things you need in it to do your couponing is a great idea!

4. BASEBALL/HOCKEY CARD HOLDERS!- Again found at the dollar store for a buck! you can also find them at places like target, or walmart. It is an amazing way to keep your coupns organized, you can see the coupons clearly, some you may have to fold them to fit, you can stuff them pretty good as well! I always put whatever coupon expires first in the front to make sure I dont use any that expires last.

5. I also like to put a list at the front of my binder of all the sites you can print/mail coupons from, as I tend to forget atleast one website and that can cause me to miss out on a very good coupon!

This method may not be for everyone, but I love how easy it is to find my coupons, how easy it is to carry around with me (because well you never no what you will find on sale that was not in the flyers!) and I can just look at the divider find what section I need, and pull out the coupon! Also love the space you have in a binder for all the coupons you can possibly have!
Justine Wright

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